Hair-loss in Women

Generally the reason for hair-loss among men is genetic hormonal, whereas among women the reasons are manifold, such as, more/less activity by the thyroid gland, medicines, stress and tension, operations, post-natal, cessation of pill-taking, over pre-occupation with hair and pulling it into a pony-tail , smoothing of hair, lack of iron, vegetarianism, severe diets etc.
One has to differentiate between severe hair-loss and chronic hair-loss, as well as the difference between hair-loss and thinning hair. The women who suffer from hair thinning without hair-loss are treated in a specific way, while women who suffer from hair-loss and thinning are treated first for the loss and thereafter for the thinning. This is why it is so important for the dermatologist to examine and diagnose the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment in each and every case.

The Treatment of Women's Hair-loss

Firstly, one has to have a blood test – it is well-known that more than 50% of women with dysfunctional thyroid glands, women who do not eat enough animal protein like meat or fish , therefore suffer from lack of iron, also many women
who suffer from anaemia following heavy menstrual bleeding.
Upon receipt of the blood test results, should there be found a deficiency in one of them, it would be necessary to redress the imbalance with suitable treatment. Additionally, it is possible to administer treatment, both locally and generally. It is very important to examine the scalp of the patient to make sure that there is a local reason causing the loss (such as redness, fungus and so forth).
Dandruff can also impede hair growth and one would have to treat that, even though it is not the actual cause of hair-loss.
To the extent that the scalp is OK, treatment is recommended for strengthening the hair which can be done by taking special vitamins, or amino acids and additional preparations.
If one wants to treat hair thinning, there are various ways of treatment that can be either localised or systemic treatments (taking of medications). Among the most widely used localised treatments is Minoxidil –  a lotion that causes hair growth; Minoxidil is a medication that also comes in pill form and was originally intended for the lowering of blood pressure, but it became known that a side effect was hair growth. Therefore, about 20 years ago the raw material was taken and made into a lotion for daubing on the thinning parts, causing hair growth in 20% of cases and stopping of hair-loss in 60% of cases.

Treatment Possibilities for Female Hair-loss

Whereas in the past wigs were fitted as a “treatment” for persons suffering from baldness, nowadays there are specific anti-androgen medications. Medications such as “ Cyproterone Acetate” and “Spironolactone”, may be effective treatments for women suffering from gradual hair-loss. There are other medications that are obtainable only on prescription by a dermatologist in accordance with his decision. There are also a variety of versions based on Estrogen for topical treatment , but there is no clinical research to prove their efficacy at stimulating hair growth.

In addition there are “cosmetic treatments” that can improve the woman's appearance, like “micropigmentation” or “Topik” that gives a natural appearance and enhances the woman's self-esteem.